USA Today Bestselling Author
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Laura Bradford
PO Box 50542
Greenwood, SC 29649

From the time I was a little girl, reading has always been my go-to place to learn, to explore, and to escape into another time or place if only for a little while. It is my hope that my stories will do the same for you.
Whether you like fun whodunit-style mysteries, or more touching women’s fiction novels, my books all have one constant ingredient: friendship. Because, at the end of the day, it’s those connections we have with other people that keep us grounded when we need to be grounded, and help us soar when we need to soar.
I hope you’ll take a little time, while you’re here, to check out my books, learn some interesting things about yours truly, see what’s on the horizon as of this moment, and sign up for my monthly newsletter filled with all sorts of fun stuff.
Before you head off to explore though, I’ve got some news. I've been doing some work with Guidepost publishing recently. Three of the stories I've done with them--in their Love's a Mystery series--are standalone stories that take place in various odd-named towns around the country. Each book contains two stories--one "historical," and one contemporary, with the two stories sharing a common object. In the ones I've done with Author Emily Quinn, she's done the historical and I've done the contemporary. All three: Love's a Mystery in Deadwood, OR; Love's a Mystery in Peculiar, MO; and Love's a Mystery in WhyNot, NC, are available for purchase through the Guidepost shop. I also have several full novels with them, too. The first, Somewhere Over the Rainbow, is available for purchase at that same link. In August, A Little Bird Told Me, will be available at both that link and on Amazon.
In closing, I'm always working on "the next thing" for this publisher or that publisher, so be sure to check back often.
​Thanks for being here.